
+38 044 204 81 99


Ph.D. in Philology

Professional activity

Oksana Ivasiuk graduated from National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Faculty of Linguistics.
Oksana Ivasiuk works at the Faculty of Linguistics, at the Dept. of ESP, is a member of workgroup “Control and Testing” and delivers courses of English as a Foreign Language, English for Specific Purposes to undergraduates, masters.
Oksana Ivasiuk constantly attends professional trainings and seminars, among which the course in Computer competence, takes an active part in scientific all-Ukrainian and international conferences, the last one is International Theoretical and Practical Conference “Modern Approaches and Innovations in Teaching Foreign Languages”, where she delivered the report on „Self-study work as means of forming student’s linguocultural competence”.

Professional development

  • 2015 - Advanced training courses for scientific and pedagogical workers "Creation and use of web resources of the educational discipline" (Educational and methodological complex "Institute of Postgraduate Education of NTUU "KPI")
  • 2020- defended a thesis, received a degree candidate of philological sciences (035-Philology)
  • 2020 - Advanced training courses for scientific and pedagogical workers "Use of advanced Google services for educational activities " (Educational and methodological complex "Institute of Postgraduate Education of NTUU "KPI")

Research interests

Foreign languages teaching, online learning, English for Academics Purposes, English for Scientific Purposes.

Main publications