

Recruitment for the current issue of “Transcarpathian Philological Studies” is ongoing.

‘TRANSCARPATHIAN PHILOLOGICAL STUDIES’ ISSUE 36 / 2024The publication of the article in Issue 36/2024 should be published no later than October 28, 2024 (inclusive):

  • fill in the author’s online help form – links;
  • send to the an article prepared according to the specified requirements;
  • send a scanned copy of your post payment receipt.

The cost of publishing an article up to 12 sheets is 1300 UAH. If the amount of work exceeds the specified, the cost of the additional page is 50 UAH. The publication fee covers the costs associated with review, proofreading and editing of articles, layout of the collection and placement of its electronic version.
The electronic version of the journal is timely placed in public access on the publication’s website.
If desired, the author of the article can order a printed copy of the magazine. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which must be paid in addition to the publication fee.

The editorial board has the right to review, edit, shorten and reject articles. The editorial board does not always share the position of the authors of the publications.
he electronic version of the magazine will be posted on the website until December 31, 2024.
The printed version of the journal will be sent to authors of articles who order a printed copy by January 31, 2025.

The editorial board within 1 day informs the participant that the article has been received.
The editorial board of the journal conducts internal anonymous review of the article (2-3 days).
The editorial staff is authorized to edit the scientific and literary editing of the received materials, if necessary, to shorten them in agreement with the author, or to send the article for revision to the author.
The editorial board reserves the right to reject an article that does not meet the established requirements or subject matter of the journal. If the article is rejected, the editorial board gives the author a reasoned conclusion.


  1. Ukrainian language;   
  2. Germanic languages;
  3. Romance languages;   
  4. Baltic languages;
  5. Indo-Iranian languages;
  6. Turkic languages;
  7. Finno-Ugric and amateur languages;
  8. Iberian-Caucasian languages;
  9. Mongolian languages;
  10. Semitic languages;
  11. The languages of the peoples of Asia, Africa, the native peoples of America and Australia;
  12. Classical languages. Some Indo-European languages;
  13. General linguistics;
  14. Translation Studies;
  15. Comparative-historical and typological linguistics;
  16. Structural, Applied and Mathematical Linguistics;
  17. Literary Studies;
  18. Ukrainian literature;
  19. Literature of the Slavic peoples;
  20. Literature of foreign countries;
  21. Comparative Literature;
  22. Literature theory;
  23. Folklore;
  24. Literary Studies and Textology;
  25. Crimean Tatar literature.

The editorial staff of the journal carries out an internal anonymous review of the article, after which the author is provided with details for paying the publication fee.
Articles in the publication are checked for plagiarism using software from the Polish company

Article volume from 10 to 20 pages, including illustrations, tables, graphs, and references. Text font – Times New Roman, size 14, 1.5 spacing; margins on all sides – 20 mm.
If the article contains tables and / or drawings, they should be compact, have title, text font – Times New Roman, size 12.
The number of tables, formulas and illustrations should be minimal and appropriate.
References to the sources should be made in square brackets, indicating the page numbers according to the source: for example, [3, p. 234] or [2, p. 35; 8, p. 234].
The list of sources used is submitted at the end of the article in the order of reference of sources in accordance with DSTU 8302: 2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General Provisions and Rules of Assembly ”as amended (UNCODE 01.140.40).

It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.

 Required structural elements:

  • formulation of the problem in general and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks;
  • an analysis of the latest research and publications in which the problem is solved and which the author relies on;
  • highlighting previously unresolved parts of the general problem addressed in the article;
  • formulating the goals of the article (setting the task);
  • presentation of the main research material with full justification of scientific results;
  • conclusions from this study and prospects for further exploration in this area.

The article should contain UDC, ORCID ID code (if the author is not registered in ORCID, it is necessary to create an account by the link), annotations and keywords in Ukrainian and English, translation of the article title into English; the volume of each abstract – a minimum of 1800 characters, the number of keywords – a minimum of 5 words.
The editorial staff receives DOI for articles.
Language of publications: Ukrainian, English.

Example of article design

Information sheet