
+38 044 204 81 99


Associate Professor
Teaching and Educational work coordinator

Professional activity

In 2006 she graduated from National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Faculty of Linguistics and got the qualification of interpreter and translator, English and German language teacher.On the 26th of February she got a degree in Philological Sciences for the defended thesis «Pragmasemantic and pragmastylistic aspects of modern English scientific computer discourse»

Svitlana Moiseienko has worked at the Faculty of Linguistics, at the Department of theory and practice of translation of English for a year. Working in the NTUU “KPI” as an English language teacher at the Heat-and-Power Engineering Faculty since September 2007, Svitlana Moiseienko delivers courses of English as a Foreign Language, English for Specific Purposes to undergraduates, masters. The teacher conducts preparation of students for writing of the scientific articles from speciality by English, reporting on international conferences and participating in international Olympiads.

Svitlana Moiseienko constantly attends professional trainings and workshops.

Knowledge of foreign languages: English, German.

Professional development

  • 2006 - National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • 2008 - Advanced training courses for scientific and pedagogical workers "Pedagogy of Higher School" (Educational and methodological complex "Institute of Postgraduate Education of NTUU "KPI")
  • 2012 - Advanced training courses for scientific and pedagogical workers "Using of the system "Electronic Campus" NTUU "KPI" for learning, teaching, research activities" (Educational and methodological complex "Institute of Postgraduate Education of NTUU "KPI")
  • 2014 – Defense of a thesis on specialty Germanic languages and receiving a degree Candidate of Philological Sciences
  • 2017 - Advanced training courses for scientific and pedagogical workers "Basics of Excel 2010/2013 for lecturers" (Educational and methodological complex "Institute of Postgraduate Education of NTUU "KPI")
  • 2023 - Advanced training courses for scientific and pedagogical workers "Academic Integrity" (Educational and methodological complex "Institute of Postgraduate Education of NTUU "KPI")

Research interests

Textual, discourse studies, pragmasemantics, pragmastylistics, innovative technologies in foreign language teaching

Main publications