

Today we celebrate the day of the Ukrainian Constitution, our main document, which defines our democratic values and our course towards a country free from inequality, lack of freedom, and corruption.
We adopted the Basic Law of the state 27 years ago. It was on June 28, 1996 that the modern stage of the constitutional development of Ukraine began. This event cemented the legal foundations of independent Ukraine, its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Our country has acquired the status of a full subject of international legal relations.
On the world map, Ukraine exists as an independent state, but for nine years and 490 days we have been resisting encroachment on our territories, violation of the rights of our citizens, and humiliation of our language and culture.
This war is a struggle of the values of the civilized world against barbarism, a struggle of a democratic society against an autocratic regime.
Constitution Day is another reason to realize what we are fighting for and what our course is. Our Victory is inevitable, because the process of Ukrainian state-building is getting stronger and stronger, because it is based on the dignity and civic responsibility of all Ukrainians.

Happy Constitution Day, dear friends!
Glory to Ukraine!

Rector of National Technical University of Ukraine
“Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Mykhailo Zgurovsky