

Dear veterans and current defenders of the Motherland! Dear Kyiv polytechnics!

On October 1, the Ukrainian people celebrate the Day of Defenders of Ukraine — a day of remembrance of our victorious ancestors who fought for the right to independence and freedom at the cost of their lives; the day of commemoration of Cossack valor; a day of gratitude to the veterans of the Second World War who defended their land.

It is a day of commemoration of today’s heroes who defend the Motherland on land, at sea, in the air, on the front line and in the deep rear of the enemy, liberating their native land.

This day is special for Kyiv Polytechnic students. During the Second World War, KPI laid on the altar of Victory its best scientific and technical achievements, its best personnel potential, the lives of many students and teachers, whose memory is preserved by the pedestal of Eternal Glory in the university park.

Currently, in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, voluntary formations, and the volunteer community, there are more than two hundred employees, teachers and students of the university and thousands of graduates of previous years. Sixty-one polytechnic students gave their lives for the freedom and independence of Ukraine in the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2014–2023. Among them, five Heroes of Ukraine posthumously. Eternal glory to the heroes of the polytechnics, who, with their sacrifice, enabled us to teach and learn, to work and create peacefully. Deep gratitude and respect to their families.

The Day of Defenders of Ukraine is a national holiday of indomitable, conscientious citizens who, through their professional, teaching, scientific, public activities, conscientious work and training, and volunteer work, ensure the economic, humanitarian, educational and informational protection of the state.

Polytechnics provide comprehensive assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The charitable organization “Kyiv Polytechnic Charitable Fund for the Support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine” operates at the university. Teachers, scientists, workers, students participate in numerous programs for the development of the latest models of weapons and military equipment, means of protection for soldiers on the battlefield.

Our resistance, our faith in Victory cannot be broken, because the truth and our land are behind us! History shows: free people are invincible! A low bow to the defenders of Ukraine of all times! Glory to Ukraine!

With respect and gratitude

Mykhailo Zgurovsky, rector of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky