

Dear colleagues! We invite everyone to cooperate with a professional scientific journal of category “B” “SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF INTERREGIONAL ACADEMY OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT. PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES” ISSUE 3 (62) / 2024 Scientific publication “Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Pedagogical Sciences” was launched to publicize the results of scientific research in the field of...
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The theoretical and scientific-methodical journal “Higher Education of Ukraine” is a peer-reviewed publication that publishes articles by scientists of Ukraine and foreign countries, devoted to topical issues of philosophy, philosophy of education, history of education, the current state and latest technologies of education in Ukraine. Founded in 2001. Founders: Mykhailo Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, State Information and Production Enterprise...
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To publish an article in the scientific journal “Pedagogical innovation: modernity and perspectives” № 4‘2024 it is necessary no later than July 31, 2024: Fill in author’s reference (links) To the e-mail address send an article prepared in accordance with the specified requirements. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The Editorial Board guarantees high-quality anonymous peer-review of articles and their check for plagiarism using...
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Dear colleagues! We invite everyone to cooperate with a professional scientific journal of category “B” “INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGY” ISSUE 73 / 2024 The purpose of the journal is to cover the results of research in the field of pedagogy, to get acquainted with modern scientific and pedagogical developments, to join the latest developments in modern pedagogical...
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Editorial Board of the Scientific Collection “CURRENT ISSUES OF THE HUMANITIES: INTER-UNIVERSITY COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS OF THE IVAN FRANK STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF DROHOBYTIC” invites you to participate in the publication of Issue No. 77 / 2024 The collection is indexed in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus International (Republic of...
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