«Sci-conf.com.ua» Perfect Publishing V International Research and Practical Conference «INNOVATIONS AND PROSPECTS OF WORLD SCIENCE” December 29-31, 2021 Vancouver, Canada GENERAL INFORMATION Conference form: correspondence Internet conference. Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English. As a result of the conference, a collection of articles will be published within 7 days, which is posted on the sci-conf.com.ua website in...Read More
VI International Research and Practical Conference «TOPICAL ISSUES OF MODERN SCIENCE, SOCIETY AND EDUCATION” December 26-28, 2021 Kharkiv, Ukraine GENERAL INFORMATION Conference form: correspondence Internet conference. Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English. As a result of the conference, a collection of articles will be published within 7 days, which is posted on the sci-conf.com.ua website in the...Read More
The purpose of the competition for pitching research projects was to identify the most interesting and relevant projects in various fields of science and provide contestants with a platform to create quality English-language project support for further commercialization, participation in pitching innovative products in national and international markets.Read More
Research and publishing center “Sci-conf.com.ua” BoScience Publisher VII International Research and Practical Conference «MODERN DIRECTIONS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT” December 22-24, 2021 Chicago, the USA GENERAL INFORMATION Conference form: correspondence Internet conference. Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English. As a result of the conference, a collection of articles will be published within 7 days, which is posted...Read More
Lviv pedagogical community December 24-25, 2021 will be held in Lviv international research and practical conference “PSYCHOLOGY AND PEDAGOGY: MODERN METHODS AND INNOVATIONS, EXPERIENCE OF PRACTICAL APPLICATION”. Students, graduate students, applicants, teachers, practitioners who are interested in current issues of pedagogical and psychological activities are invited to participate.Read More