Editorial Board of the Scientific Collection “CURRENT ISSUES OF THE HUMANITIES: INTER-UNIVERSITY COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS OF THE IVAN FRANK STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF DROHOBYTIC” invites you to participate in the publication of Issue No. 83 / 2024 The collection is indexed in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus International (Republic of...Read More
On December 12-13, Liudmyla VLASIUK, a lecturer at the Department of English for Engineering 1, took part in a series of Horizon Europe information days, which were held in a hybrid format at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and the Ukrainian Catholic University. During the events, our lecturer shared her experience in preparing...Read More
ISSN: 2522-4557 (Print) ISSN 2522-4565 (Online) Establisher and publisher: Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University Journal was founded in: 2004 Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine No. 1190 as of 11.04.2024. Media ID: R30-04757 The language of the publication: Ukrainian, English, Czech. Periodicity: 4 times for a year. Problems of...Read More
On 19 November 2024, Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer of the Department Raisa Kuzmenko took part in the ELTons Festival of Innovation. This festival has been bringing together innovators and experts who are changing the world of English language teaching for over 20 years. The participants of the event shared innovative approaches that help students...Read More
Title of the journal: Folia Philologica. Founder:Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Year of foundation: 2020. Registration of Print media entity:Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 1450 as of 25.04.2024. Media ID: R30-04491. ISSN:2786-5908 (Print), 2786-5916 (Online). Professional registration: Decree of MES No. 530 (Annex 2) dated...Read More