

Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. Pedagogical sciences Invites scientific, scientific and pedagogical workers, graduate students, doctoral students, other scientists, practical workers who are interested in scientific achievements in the field of pedagogical sciences to publish. PUBLICATION IN THE SCIENTIFIC COLLECTION ” BULLETIN OF LUHANSK TARAS SHEVCHENKO NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES” NO. 2 (361)...
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Peer-reviewed academic journal “Science and Education” was founded in 1997 by the Southern Scientific Center of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine under the auspices of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky. Since 2019 according to the certificate of state registration of the printed media KV № 24078-13918 PR...
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Dear colleagues! We invite everyone to cooperate with a professional scientific journal of category “B” “PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES: THEORY AND PRACTICE” № 2 (2024)   Articles of doctors of sciences, candidates of sciences, scientific and pedagogical workers, doctoral students, graduate students, as well as persons with higher education and engaged in scientific activities are accepted for...
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Dear colleagues! We invite everyone to cooperate with a professional scientific journal of category “B” “INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGY” ISSUE 71 / 2024 The purpose of the journal is to cover the results of research in the field of pedagogy, to get acquainted with modern scientific and pedagogical developments, to join the latest developments in modern pedagogical...
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“Scientific Bulletin of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky” is indexed in: Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Google Scholar, ULRICHSWEB Global Serials Directory, ERIH PlUS, CrossRef, Polska Bibliografia Naukowa (PBN), Research Bible (Academic Resource Index), Scilit (The Scientific Literature database), WorldCat, Directory of Open Access Journals, Base (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), Index Copernicus/ICI Journals Master...
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