

Articles on topical issues in the field of education and pedagogy containing the results of in-depth research, novelty and substantiation of scientific conclusions relevant to the purpose of the article, which have never been published before are accepted for publication in the Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences. More information (in Ukrainian) here
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Dear authors! We invite you to publish in foreign scientific journal “PNAP. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF POLONIA UNIVERSITY PERIODYK NAUKOWY AKADEMII POLONIJNEJ” TOM 54 № 5, 2022 The deadline for submission of materials is October 31, 2022 PNAP is a scientific journal of the Polonia Academy in Częstochowa, which brings together scholars from different continents whose...
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Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology Department of Foreign Languages VI International Research Multidisciplinary Conference for students and young scientists “MODERN TECHNOLOGIES: IMPROVING THE PRESENT AND IMPACTING THE FUTURE” November 23, 2022, Dnipro INFORMATION SHEET Dear colleagues! We invite you to participate in the work of the...
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Current journal policy focuses on the need to advance academic status by applying updated requirements for manuscripts which meet high international standards. At the same time, the relevant policy aims to simplify the preparation of manuscripts and peer review. The journal specializes in publishing original (not published before) completed research in psychology, pedagogy, and medicine:...
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KREMENCHUK MYKHAILO OSTROHRADSKYI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY DEAR COLLEAGUES! Editorial board of the scientific journal “TRANSACTIONS OF KREMENCHUK MYKHAILO OSTROHRADSKYI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY” NO. 4 / 2022 invites scientists, practical workers, readers who are interested in the issue of the publication to cooperate. Certificate of state registration of printed media: Series KV No. 18771-7571 PR dated 01.30.2012. On...
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