

We invite you to publish an article in collection of scientific works “PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES” № 97, 2022. Collection of scientific works “Pedagogical Sciences” is a professional publication of category “B” on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 886 from 02.07.2020 (Appendix № 4) on pedagogical sciences...
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V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University invites you to take part in International scientific-practical conference “TRADITIONS AND INNOVATIONS IN THE FIELD OF PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY”, that will take place in Kyiv on February 4-5, 2022. Research and teaching staff of domestic and foreign higher education institutions, graduate students and applicants, students, young scientists are invited to...
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«» Perfect Publishing  VI International Research and Practical Conference «INNOVATIONS AND PROSPECTS OF WORLD SCIENCE”  February 02-04, 2021 Vancouver, Canada  GENERAL INFORMATION Conference form: correspondence Internet conference. Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English. As a result of the conference, a collection of articles will be published within 7 days, which is posted on the website in...
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Dear fellow scientists! We invite you to publish your materials in scientific journal “PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES: THEORY AND PRACTICE” № 1 / 2022 Articles of doctors of sciences, candidates of sciences, scientific and pedagogical workers, doctoral students, post-graduate students, as well as persons with higher education and engaged in scientific activity are accepted for publication.
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VII International Research and Practical Conference «TOPICAL ISSUES OF MODERN SCIENCE, SOCIETY AND EDUCATION”  January 29-31, 2022 Kharkiv, Ukraine  GENERAL INFORMATION Conference form: correspondence Internet conference. Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English. As a result of the conference, a collection of articles will be published within 7 days, which is posted on the website in the...
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