

Dear Kyiv polytechnics!
Today, on the first Sunday of October, educators of Ukraine celebrate their professional holiday — Teacher’s Day

For educators of Ukraine, this day is of special importance. It coincides with the Day of defenders of Ukraine, with the Day of heroes who ensure the future of our country, protecting our peaceful life and peaceful work.

On this special day, we express our deep gratitude and respect to all Kyiv polytechnics, who at the same time teach and educate young people and are heroes in protecting our country from external aggression.

Currently, in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, voluntary formations, and the volunteer community, there are more than two hundred employees, teachers and students of the university and thousands of graduates of previous years. Sixty-one Kyiv Polytechnic students gave their lives for the freedom and independence of Ukraine in the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2014–2023. Among them are five Heroes of Ukraine posthumously. Eternal glory to them!

Dear Kyiv polytechnics! You continue your noble work, even in the most difficult times, when your contribution to the education and upbringing of the younger generation is faced with the challenges of the defense of our Motherland.

May your hard work be successful, and may our fellow warriors return home alive and proud of their noble mission.

With respect and gratitude,
Rector of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky Mykhailo Zgurovsky