

Research and publishing center “” Cognum Publishing House VI International Research and Practical Conference «INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS IN HUMAN LIFE”  December 15-17, 2021 Manchester, Great Britain  GENERAL INFORMATION Conference form: correspondence Internet conference. Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English. As a result of the conference, a collection of articles will be published within 7 days, which is...
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Dear colleagues! We invite everyone to cooperate with a professional scientific journal of category “B” “INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGY” ISSUE 42 / 2021 The purpose of the journal is to cover the results of research in the field of pedagogy, to get acquainted with modern scientific and pedagogical developments, to join the latest developments in modern pedagogical...
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Research and publishing center “” Barca Academy Publishing X International Research and Practical Conference «RESULTS OF MODERN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMEN”  December 12-14, 2021 Madrid, Spain  GENERAL INFORMATION Conference form: correspondence Internet conference. Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English. As a result of the conference, a collection of articles will be published within 7 days, which is...
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Dear colleagues! We invite you to publish in a scientific professional pedagogical journal ACTA PAEDAGOGIСA VOLYNIENSES № 6 for 2021 The journal is a peer-reviewed publication, which publishes original articles that reveal the results of scientific, practical, educational and methodological and research developments in the field of pedagogy. By the order of the Ministry of...
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International scientific conference “INNOVATIVE PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS IN PSYCHOLOGY, PEDAGOGY AND EDUCATION” Riga, Republic of Latvia December 10-11, 2021 Scientists, graduate students, students of higher education and research institutions, as well as practitioners who are actively engaged in research in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences are invited to participate in the international conference.
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