

International research conference “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND MANAGEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND SCIENCE” November 28, 2022 Fergana, Republic of Uzbekistan ISMA University of Applied Sciences in Uzbekistan, ISMA University of Applied Sciences, Higher School of Internal Security in Łódź, Polonia Academy in Częstochowa, Institute of Criminal Law and Applied Criminology, NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Oriental...
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Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University Series 5 Pedagogical sciences: realities and prospects was founded in 2004 by the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University on the initiative of the rector, academician V. Andrushchenko and Vice-Rector for Research, Professor G. Volynka. See more information (in Ukrainian) here
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Editorial Board of the Scientific Collection “CURRENT ISSUES OF THE HUMANITIES: INTER-UNIVERSITY COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS OF THE IVAN FRANK STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF DROHOBYTIC” invites you to participate in the publication of Issue No. 57. The collection is indexed in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus International (Republic of Poland). On...
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Kyiv Scientific Organization of Pedagogy and Psychology invites all interested persons to publish their scientific work in the twenty-sixth issue of the journal “KYIV SCIENTIFIC AND PEDAGOGICAL BULLETIN” Certificate of state registration of the printed edition: KV No. 19870-9670Р dated 04/19/2013. See more information (in Ukrainian) here
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International research and practical conference “MODERN RESEARCH DEVELOPMENTS IN THE FIELD OF PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY” Czestochowa, Republic of Poland November 3-4, 2022 Scientists, graduate students, students of higher education institutions and scientific research institutions, as well as practical workers who are actively engaged in scientific research in the field of pedagogy and psychology are invited...
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