
Теми рефератів. 3 курс.

  1.  Why Energy is Important;
  2. Sources of Energy;
  3. Fossil of Energy;
  4. Nuclear Power;
  5. Renewable Energy;
  6. Electricity;
  7. Reducing our Energy Use in the World;
  8. Energy in European Countries;
  9. Water Power;
  10. Natural Gas;
  11. Oil and Oil Products;
  12. Wind Energy;
  13. Solar Energy;
  14. Primary Energy Use in the World;
  15. Reducing our Energy Use in Ukraine;
  16. Energy Use at Home;
  17. Energy Supply in Ukraine;
  18. Energy Supply in Europe;
  19. Electricity Generation;
  20. Conservation of Energy.

Рекомендована література

  1. Let’s learn about energy: A practical handbook for teachers. Luxembourg: office for official Publications of the European Communities, 1997.
  2. Energy Engineering. Vol. 95, #4, 1998.
  3. United Nations Environmental Programme,