
Зразок залікових завдань ФЕЛ

 Зразок перелік завдань для заліку з іноземної мови для 2 курсу (4 семестр) студентів факультету електроніки

  1. Translate the text into Ukrainian in a written form.
  2. Put the verbs in brackets into correct form.
  3. Choose the correct words from the table.
  4. Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive.
  5. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to Verbals.
  6. Translate into English.

Зразок завдання для заліку з іноземної мови для 2 курсу (4 семестр) студентів факультету електроніки

Варіант 11

I. Translate the text into Ukrainian in a written form.
A team of US researchers has come up with an electricity system that does not need wires. Although wi-fi has been around for some years now, it has been limited to the transmission of information, especially between computers and modems, printers and scanners. This new development means that our houses may be free from tangled wires….

II. Put the verbs in brackets into correct form.
Eventually the European Union _____(to give) the go ahead for airplane passengers to use their cell phones in the skies over Europe. People _____(to be able) to keep in touch with those on the ground. EU officials _____(to stress) the use of mobiles on planes would not affect safety. The phone service _____(to be disabled) while the plane _____(to take off) or _____(to land). This generally _____(to agree) with the current rules of using laptop computers or music players on flights… .

III. Choose the correct words from the table.
Researchers in America and England have (1) software that scans the (2) ____ on people’s faces and then produces a piece of computer-generated artwork. The technology is still very new. It analyses eight basic expressions, including the (3) and shape of the mouth, the openness of the eyes and the angle of the eyes … .
1. (a) developing (b) developed (c) develop (d) develops
2. (a) feelings (b) texts (c) background (d) future
3. (a) corner (b) lips (c) position (d) tongue

IV. Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive.
1. They have dubbed their new invention.
2. They will send electricity longer distances through the air.
3. The new source of delivering power to gadgets may reduce the number of fires.
4. The scientists lit a 60-watt light bulb using magnetic fields.

V. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to Verbals.
1. This scientist is known as innovator in various fields of computing.
2. Tiny robots implanted in our brain will be able to boost our health within the next few years.
3. Low-amplitude waves are passed through a medium to measure its propagation constants.
4. X-rays are known to pass easily through the skin and muscles of the human body.

VI. Translate into English.
1. На практиці, вібрація камертону – це найближчий підхід до простого гармонічного руху.
2. Ми знаємо, що кількість застосувань ультразвуку у промисловості росте щодня.
3. Якщо звукові вібрації регулярні, вони приємні для вуха і називаються музичними звуками.