
Теми рефератів. 3 курс.


  • “Акустичні засоби та системи”
  • “Медичні акустичні та біоакустичні прилади”
  • “Відео-, аудіо-, та кінотехніка”
  • “Телекомунікаційні системи та мережі”


  1. The application of new technology in acoustics.
  2. The problems and tasks of acoustics.
  3. Hydroacoustics; the fields of its application.
  4. Main characteristics of sound.
  5. Acoustics and medicine.
  6. Modern history of telecommunication.
  7. The electricity revolution.
  8. The history of development of Internet in Ukraine.
  9. The development of television.
  10. The ultrasonic technologies in medicine.
  11. Sound and human being.
  12. The properties of digital television.
  13. Architectural acoustics.
  14. The satellite communication
  15. The modern tendencies of science technology.
  16. Cable Internet.
  17. The Effect of Microwave and Mobile Telephone Exposure on Memory Processes.
  18. Leading-Edge Technologies.
  19. Wireless Telecommunication: Filter Selection Criteria.
  20. High-Power Transmitters.
  21. From the History of Mobile Phones.
  22. Scientific Research and Mobile Phone Testing.


  • “Мікроелектроніка і напівпровідникові прилади”
  • “Фізична та біомедична електроніка”
  • “Електронні прилади та пристрої”
  • “Електронні системи”
  • “Виробництво електронних засобів”


  1. Transistors – important elements of electronic devices.
  2. World history of computer science and first computer development.
  3. Electronic tubes.
  4. Electronics in industry.
  5. Electronics and communications.
  6. Achievements and perspectives of over-all computer technology.
  7. The influence of technology on our life.
  8. Medical electronic devices.
  9. The possibilities of Internet.
  10. Description of sensors.
  11. Vacuum tubes and electronics.
  12. Electronics and ecology.
  13. From the history of digital systems.
  14. Computer viruses.
  15. The modern tendencies of science technology.
  16. Cable Internet.
  17. The Effect of Microwave and Mobile Telephone Exposure on Memory Processes.
  18. Leading-Edge Technologies.
  19. Wireless Telecommunication: Filter Selection Criteria.
  20. High-Power Transmitters.
  21. From the History of Mobile Phones.
  22. Scientific Research and Mobile Phone Testing.

Джерела для всіх курсів:

  • журнали IEEE Spectrum, Computer