
Теми рефератів. 5 курс.

  1.  Partnership for Energy Efficiency;
  2. Global Market for Energy Efficiency;
  3. A Clean Coal Technology for Electric Utilities;
  4. Calculating Motor-System Energy Saving
  5. Renewable Energy: How Cheap, How Green?
  6. Start with the Customer;
  7. Energy Use Intensities;
  8. Commercial Gas Cooling;
  9. Plant Design in a Deregulated Electric Environment;
  10. How to Avoid Common Mistakes in Energy Efficiency Projects;
  11. Energy Saving Technology: Refrigerant Subcooling;
  12. Ventilation or Filtration? The Use of Gas-Phase Air Filtration for Compliance with ASHRAE Standard 62;
  13. Financial Arrangement for Energy Management Projects;
  14. Advances in Electrotechnologies;
  15. Operation and Maintenance Consideration for Gas Cooling Equipment;
  16. New Energy Technologies;
  17. Make Pull Versus Technology Push.

Рекомендована література

  1. United Nations Environmental Programme,
  4. http://www/
  5. http://solstice/crest/org/